Google &
Bing PPC
SEA - Paid ads
Set up
We can help you make the most of every click with a tailored healthcare PPC campaign
Results Driven
We regularly review and adjust the PPC campaigns based on the results we see
We are all about transparency. We send regular reports to keep you in the loop
We ensure all content created and published is within industry guidelines and pre-approved
There are 5.6 BILLION Google searches every day
Of these, 7% are related to health!
Put simply, PPC (Pay-per-click) means running a campaign of paid advertisements through search and social platforms. Healthcare PPC campaigns are flexible, scalable and measurable.
With PPC campaigns, you can increase your traffic, awareness, enquiries and revenue for your healthcare business transparently.
PPC can feel like a minefield, our PPC experts can help to guide you from start to finish.
Our tools allow us access to stats and information about your consumers that you may not know! We can effectively target your consumers when searching for your services and make sure your brand is seen.
Did you know there are 5.6 BILLION Google searches every day? And that 7% of these searches are related to health? That equates to over ONE BILLION searches a day!
We can help to ensure your brand is seen when these searches are made!
A PPC campaign is a transparent way to increase your traffic, engagement, awareness, enquiries and revenue for your healthcare business
We believe in spreading your message far and wide and help to create campaigns that flow seamlessly across platforms
PPC Statistics
Search marketing drives, on average, 76% of website traffic
66% of internet users look online for information about a specific disease or medical problem
Local convenience is key as “near me” searches for health-related services have doubled since 2015
Paid search has an average conversion rate of 5.1%
66% of internet users look online for information about a specific disease or medical problem
PPC for Healthcare and Wellness
Search marketing drives 76% of website traffic
66% of internet users look online for information about a specific health problem
Paid search has an average conversion rate of 5.1%